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GVF Kicks off Bike Month with First Wellness Wednesday Webinar!

As we navigate this new world, GVF is always looking to provide its partners with the latest mobility programs and resources. If you would like to discuss your organizations future transportation options, contact us today.

May is National Bike Month. Since we cannot all come together to celebrate this year, GVF has planned a virtual month-long celebration to share biking resources and stories. We kicked off our celebration with the first in a series of Wellness Wednesday webinars. GVF was joined by speakers Jesse, Buerk, Manager, Capital Project Development, DVRPC and Derek Dureka, Director of Parks and Recreations, Upper Dublin Township, with close to 40 attendees. Below is an overview of Jesse’s topic. Stay tuned for a second article on Derek’s topic coming soon!

Jesse spoke on the DVRPC/PennDOT Connects Bike-Friendly Resurfacing Program. The program is an effort to identify roads for potential investment in bike friendly improvements as part of regularly scheduled PennDOT resurfacing projects. DVRPC looks for potential opportunities within the region, working with PennDOT and municipalities to add bike lane striping during PennDOT’s road resurfacing project.

Tools utilized to find good candidate roads include the Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) analysis. LTS is a road classification scheme based on the comfort of bicyclists. The analysis looks at the number of lanes a roadway has, vehicle speeds, and the presence/type of bicycle facility. The analysis helps determine which road sections provide the greatest number of connections. The results then assist in prioritizing bicycle infrastructure improvement projects for the region.

The 5 Year Resurfacing Plan Web Map is used to review future PennDOT resurfacing projects, to a line potential bike lane striping with the road resurfacing.

Each opportunity to implement bike friendly resurfacing goes through a vetted screening process. If an opportunity is approved, DVRPC and County staff work with the Municipality to implement the resurfacing project.

Jesse shared exciting news that the program now has the capacity to look at road diets. They can look at bigger improvements by potentially reducing the number of lanes on a roadway to use as bike lanes.

It was mentioned that Philadelphia uses green paint to help bike lanes stand out to traffic. When asked about the potential to use a different color in the suburbs, Jesse stated that this is challenging right now due to rules and regulations but that he feels this will change soon.

When asked about using road shoulders as bike lanes, Jesse stated at times, there is not enough room for an official bike lane to be incorporated onto a roadway, this is when a road shoulder would be used. However, PennDOT is not going to just do it. There still needs to be a striping plan submitted and the level of cost is looked at. In these circumstances the plan goes through County as these types of roads are typically owned by Municipalities.

Are you a Municipality interested in the Bike Friendly Resurfacing Program? More information about the program can be found here. Municipalities are encouraged to reach out to DVRPC or can submit their own design plans if possible.



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