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Award-Winning Website Recognized at ACT's International Conference

King of Prussia, Pa. - GVF, a not-for-profit organization created to advocate and promote a viable transportation network for the region's economic vitality, was honored to receive the 2018 Marketing and Outreach Award at the Association of Commuter Transportation (ACT) International Conference. The conference was held in Anaheim, CA and saw over 600 attendees, the largest number of attendees to date.   The marketing and outreach international award is won by one Transportation Management Association (TMA) that has developed and implemented a promotion; or marketing campaign developed and implemented a promotion; or marketing campaign designed to educate and inform the public about commuting options or the broader ideas of transportation planning, impacts of transportation on the environment, or other related concerns. GVF was selected for this award for the redesign and promotion of its website.   GVF’s mission is to reduce congestion and secure economic growth for the region by reducing the number of cars on the road using Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies. To help achieve this mission GVF developed as a one-stop shop for commuter resources and TDM programs.   The recently redesigned website includes information and resources on different commuter programs, as well as the latest in transportation and TDM news. GVF’s goal was to provide real-time information and current updates on initiatives occurring throughout the country. Whether that involves the integration of autonomous vehicles or an innovative app that will enhance a person’s journey to work, the website serves as a reliable resource for commuters to receive the latest news. 

“GVF is very honored to receive ACT National’s 2018 Marketing and Outreach Award.  Our goal was to create a website that holds current TDM information and resources to help individuals easily adapt their current commuting behaviors, from driving alone to alternative transportation options like transit, cycling or carpooling.  We do this to further our mission of reducing congestion, pollution and improving the overall quality of life for everyone in our region.  Thank you again to ACT and for the GVF Board of Directors and partners who support our organization.” Rob Henry, Executive Director, GVF. 


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