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GVF Unveils New Logo

In order to grow one needs to evolve and adapt to change. A growth mindset is critical for any organization, and we felt it was imperative that GVF continue to evolve. For over thirty-four years GVF has worked with our partners to improve our region. As we embarked on a strategic planning journey it was determined that our branding and logo should be updated to represent who we are today.


Our new logo showcases the winged cap of Mercury, the Roman god of travelers, with our name below. We’ve also integrated our three tag lines of advocacy, innovation, and partnership into the logo. We have modified our colors, and we will be using a different shade of blue which symbolizes trust and dependability. We have introduced yellow, which symbolizes the optimism we have for our region and our work. Our new logo is also represented in a circle which symbolizes unity within our community.


“As we move forward utilizing TDM to inspire mobility choices for all we hope you will continue with us on our journey as there is much work to be done,” said Rob Henry Executive Director of GVF.

The development of a new logo is part of GVF's 3-Year Strategic Plan. Read more about GVF's Strategic Plan Goals.



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