From L to R: GVF Board Member Brian Keaveney, Pennoni; Michael Bettinger, Director of Government and External Relations, Montgomery County Community College; Maureen Farrell, Deputy Executive Director, GVF; Congresswoman Madeleine Dean, Dr. Victoria Bastecki-Perez, President, Montgomery County Community College; Rob Henry, Executive Director, GVF
GVF, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to inspire mobility choices for all, welcomed Congresswoman Madeleine Dean for a roundtable discussion on mobility and transportation projects in Southeastern Pennsylvania.
The event was hosted at Montgomery County Community College's Blue Bell Campus and included a tour of GVF's Bike More Drive Less project in Whitpain Township. The day kicked off with a discussion about completed and ongoing TDM projects funded by infrastructure legislation. We then rode the Conshohocken Cab to Whitpain Township to see the dedicated Anvil Road Bike Lane leading into Wentz Run Park.
Upon returning to Montgomery County Community College, the discussion around funding challenges, climate, equity, accessibility, and other mobility issues continued.
Thank you to Montgomery County Community College for hosting the meetings, TransNet and the Borough of Conshohocken for the use of the Conshohocken Cab, Whitpain Township for welcoming us to view the bike lane project, and the members of the GVF Board of Directors for attending the discussion and for their support year-round.
Congresswoman Madeleine Dean speaks with officials from Whitpain Township at Wentz Run Park.
Visiting the permanent bike lane on Anvil Lane and riding on the Conshohocken Cab.
Founded in 1990, GVF is a not-for-profit organization inspiring mobility choices for ALL. For more information about GVF or to learn about the benefits of partnership, visit