New Regional Rail schedules will be in effect Sunday, August 21, 2022, for ALL lines.
Highlights of changes are:
Restoration of early morning Airport Line services on Saturday and Sunday
Grand opening of the 3.6 mile extension from Media / Elwyn to WAWA station.
The opening of a 600 car parking deck for patrons at Wawa Station (1490 Baltimore Pike)
New early morning and express inbound services from Wawa Station
New evening express outbound services to Wawa Station
The restoration of late-night outbound service the Media/Wawa Line
Earlier services into Center City on Trenton, Lansdale/Doylestown, and the West Trenton Lines
Better coordination of Center City trains before 7:00 a.m. to enhance access to Penn Medicine Station
Various earlier and later departure times and some trains renumbered.